Marine Research

Sea Lion Research

Reed Point Marina has donated water lot space and floats for a major research project involving Steller (also called Northern) sea lions. The study focuses on the energy and nutritional requirements of the sea lions. The clean waters of the marina, the full facilities available and the proximity to a deep water fjord give the location many of the requirements for sea lion research.

The North Pacific Universities research Consortium has been conducting research with Stellers since 1993. A project of this magnitude has many people working on it. The principal investigators are Drs. Andrew Trites and David Rosen of UBC. Post doctoral researcher Dr. Gordon Hastie has been brought in from Scotland to oversee the daily research operations and scientific protocols. The project is significant in the growing trend to locate marine education and research in the City of Port Moody.

This is a sensitive scientific research project and we urge all boaters to stay well clear of the area so as not to disturb the animals and/or the study of them.